Friday, March 10, 2006

Sorry, I have been away for too long.

It's really been a long time since I last posted. But, couldn't help it. My computer was down with 'viral fever' and had to be 'hospitalised'. I mean, it had been infected by some bug and I had to get the hard-disk formatted. And, as I do not have the adequate knowledge about the nitty-gritty of formatting a hard-disk, I had to send it to an expert. So, believe it or not, but I had to spend about 5 days without my PC. (God knows, why it took him so long to back-up my mere 40GB data and get the disk formatted, but he did it.)

And as fate might have it, around the same time, my cellphone got a "to be hanged till death" punishment for some apparently serious crime. I mean, it also had some software problem and had to be sent to the Nokia Care Centre to get it done alright. I was told I would get it in a day or so. But, the very next day I come to know that the phone has some 'major' fault which they cannot correct themselves and so have to send the piece to their head-office. This immediately meant a wait for about four more days. What! Four Days! Four Days without a cell-phone! Phew!

So here I was, with no computer at my home and no cell-phone in my hand. And don't even mention the truck-load of journal work that seemed to suddenly pop out of no-where. Do these professors conspire to give away all the journal work simultaneously, I don't know! It is so boring to even start writing an assignment when your daily schedule has been so disrupted, so I decide not to write anything and just kill time at college. But, everyone in the class seemed to have some writing work or the other, only, except me. So, all I did for refreshment was play carrom at the college gym. And those who know how good(?) I am at carrom, will tell you how much would I have enjoyed!!! it and how very refreshed!!! would I be after some games of carrom!

Add to this, my very smart professors who thought this would be the right time to get me prepare some seminars. So they call me over and give me some 'interesting' topics like 'LAN' and 'ISDN' to get done with a 'comprehensive' seminar with 'substantial' study material to support it. How ironic? Prepare a seminar on LAN without even a single computer at your end, great coincidence, should I say? And in short, my professors could also finish off with preparing their own notes, by making me prepare some 'study-material' for the class.

If nothing else, these past few days convinced me of the fact that we have become so "used to" having our gadgets and gizmos around us, that such situations in which you have to part ways with some of your best "pals" are really hard to deal with. Seriuosly, believe me on this! And just pray that nothing of this sort happens with you.

God save us, from becoming addicts to some never before known addictions!

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