Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just as I leave home…

Some light on what I felt like when left home...

Leaving behind a lot many desires,
Trying to reach those high aspirations,

Never knew my wings would be so wide,
Had always kept them in my small little stride,

Now I go on to wander through wind and snow,
What's waiting for me I could never know.

With the blessings of all those who care,
And with the luck showered by those who love,

I am sure I'll succeed and endure,
In whatever that needs my attention with 'care'!


Penned this down on the eve of my departure for my masters..


  1. hey.. u shud continue blogging... im havin fun bloggin... and it wud be interestin to read someones diary as i also put most of my daily-stuff on my blog.. cmon, keep it up! make new friends... :) Use my blog-roll ;)

  2. hey... nice poem...

    but one important question...
    who's that girl??? :P

  3. simple thots expressed beautifully.. good one..
